Duhovka High School
Building Extension

Nad Kajetánkou - Břevnov

„Designed with respect for the surroundings, sustainability and life of Břevnov. “


Dear neighbors, parents and all those interested in the development of education,

We are Ivana and Tomáš Janeček, founders of the Duhovka Montessori educational system for children and young people aged 2 to 19. We would like to ask for your support concerning the Duhovka High School project.

We believe that Duhovka is an important piece of the Czech educational puzzle that will shape the future of our children, our city and our country. That is why we have dedicated more than fifteen years of our lives to the development of Montessori education. Duhovka teaches children to be independent, responsible members of the community who understand the complex world around us. It is a diverse school where we strive not only to provide a quality education but also to develop the critical thinking skills of our learners.

We are intending to expand Duhovka’s current capacity to include a new four-year high school program for students who will be completing their middle school level (9th grade). The program will hold approximately 175 students. To house the new program we plan to construct a new building which will also accomodate the transfer of the current capacity of our existing high school from Prague 7. The new building will be located on our current Duhovka Elementary School campus in Nad Kajetánkou Street. At present we have a legal lease from the Prague 6 municipality until 2054.

We know that the changes and the construction of a new building brings questions. We would like to provide answers to them on this website. Of course, you can also contact us via this CONTACT FORM if you do not find the answers you need. Good interpersonal relations are a priority for us and it is therefore natural that we want to communicate openly with you, our neighbors.

First, let us describe our connection with Prague 6 and with the pupils and students from our district. We have our roots here, we are long-term residents of Prague 6 and we consider it our and Duhovka’s home. It was in Prague 6 that we opened our first preschool in 2008. Furthermore, although Duhovka Elementary School is open to children from all over Prague, approximately 43 % of the pupils are from Prague 6. Even in our eight-year High School on Ortenovo Square in Prague 7, nearly 32 % of the students are still from Prague 6. We expect that students from Prague 6 will also have a dominant presence in the new Nad Kajetánkou location. In addition, we want to offer scholarships for families whose financial situation would otherwise not allow them to study at Duhovka. Today, about 10 % of our students have such scholarships. For the new four-year program, we want to make residency in Prague 6 a clear condition for the scholarship.

You may wonder what effect more students will have on the traffic situation in the surrounding area. According to our calculations, the traffic situation should not change significantly. More than 80 % of our students in Prague 7 use public transport to commute to school. That means that every day no more than tens of extra cars would pass through the area. Certainly not hundreds.

We are also prepared to deal with the traffic load during construction in a considerate manner. We will talk to the town hall about conditions such as covering the trucks for minimal dust, insisting on the strictest emission standards, limiting the hours during which they will drive to the site and making maximum use of electric mobility for transport of material with smaller vehicles.

We also want to offer something special to the children and adults of Prague 6. The two new gyms at the location will be available for hire by the public and local sports clubs in the evenings and at weekends.

The whole project is designed with respect for the surrounding area and it is not just about the school itself – the local community will benefit too. There will be a much-needed renovation of part of Jílkova Street and we will fund the extension of the outdoor sports area of the Pod Marjánkou Elementary School and its artificial lighting.

Finally – our lease will end one day. We would like to agree with the Prague 6 municipality that they take ownership of the building and grounds on favorable terms. The terms are now being negotiated but it is safe to say that Prague 6 will save hundreds of millions of crowns compared to building a new school. From the moment of approval, among other things, it will also earn a higher rent, which we will pay regularly.

It is important to both of us that everything we create respects the wider interests. We are ready to discuss all professional insights and comments on the project. At the same time, we believe that we have assembled a professional team that is able to design a quality building and integrate it sensitively into the existing adjacent architecture. See for yourself.


Ivana and Tomáš Janeček
Founders of Duhovka

About the Project

Our project will introduce a timeless building design that is welcoming to students and residents of Břevnov. The two to three-floor building will be adjacent to Jílkova Street and will naturally complement the urban landscape of the surrounding buildings. The modern but sensitively designed structure will fulfill the aspects of sustainability and environmental friendliness to the maximum extent possible. The natural transition and connection to the street as well as improvements in the wider surroundings will glamorize the public space. A sports complex of two operationally independent gyms in the garden below ground level will also serve the public. We want to bring to life a project that will provide modern, sustainable, inspiring spaces for education while enriching its surroundings and community facilities in the Břevnov area.

More about the Building

Favorable to the Surroundings

The building respects the street characteristics and the face of the surrounding public spaces. It occupies the area along Jílkova Street and completes its street profile.

Moderate Volume

The height of the building and its shape is based on the characteristics of the site. The receding floors respond to the lighting and glare conditions of the surrounding building. The proposal enters the site as a low-rise building not overbearing the adjacent structures.

A Sustainable Building

The construction of a public building should be a model of sustainability. It is therefore essential that school buildings in particular are energy efficient, and environmentally friendly so they teach our future generations the principles of sustainability. A smart building must also be used in a smart and natural way, so that children are exposed to these principles at an early age and learn to develop and apply them further.

Indoor well-being

A fundamental aspect of a sustainable building is the indoor well-being – plenty of daylight, fresh air and a comfortable room temperature. The surface of the  structure is designed to reduce heat gains during the warm months and losses during the winter period by using external shading and high-quality window glazing.

Water care

The building is designed with a flat roof with living areas and areas for learning, i.e. large expanses for rainwater harvesting. Good water management includes the education of future generations. We will save water as much as possible. Waterless urinals, water-saving shower heads, etc. are planned for the school.

Waste management

Teaching waste separation and placing recycling bins in the school premises and the campus is an obvious step but we are also thinking beyond that. We want to fundamentally minimize waste, so for example, we will install drinking fountains, set up our own composting facility and we will not use disposable packaging. There is no better environment than a school where we can automatically translate these principles into everyday life.

More about the Building

Favorable to the Surroundings

The building respects the street characteristics and the face of the surrounding public spaces. It occupies the area along Jílkova Street and completes its street profile.

Moderate Volume

The height of the building and its shape is based on the characteristics of the site. The receding floors respond to the lighting and glare conditions of the surrounding building. The proposal enters the site as a low-rise building not overbearing the adjacent structures.

A Sustainable Building

The construction of a public building should be a model of sustainability. It is therefore essential that school buildings in particular are energy efficient, and environmentally friendly so they teach our future generations the principles of sustainability. A smart building must also be used in a smart and natural way, so that children are exposed to these principles at an early age and learn to develop and apply them further.

Indoor well-being

A fundamental aspect of a sustainable building is the indoor well-being – plenty of daylight, fresh air and a comfortable room temperature. The surface of the  structure is designed to reduce heat gains during the warm months and losses during the winter period by using external shading and high-quality window glazing.

Water care

The building is designed with a flat roof with living areas and areas for learning, i.e. large expanses for rainwater harvesting. Good water management includes the education of future generations. We will save water as much as possible. Waterless urinals, water-saving shower heads, etc. are planned for the school.

Waste management

Teaching waste separation and placing recycling bins in the school premises and the campus is an obvious step but we are also thinking beyond that. We want to fundamentally minimize waste, so for example, we will install drinking fountains, set up our own composting facility and we will not use disposable packaging. There is no better environment than a school where we can automatically translate these principles into everyday life.

Garden and rooftop terraces


Quality green environment, a wide range of physical activities and no blind spots without use, this is the design of the new garden of Duhovka Elementary School.

At present, the garden of Duhovka Elementary School is in a condition that deserves significant improvements. A number of obsolete play elements on the threshold of usability and safety, together with the poor condition and division of the individual play areas for children, have a less than ideal effect on the overall appearance of the garden and reflect on its use. Also, the infrastructure of the site (surfaces, drainage, etc.) is often original and in need of renovation.

The design of the new building of the Duhovka High School aptly encourages the revitalisation of the entire garden area and thus initiates the creation of a better area for active movement and natural development of children. The new design works with the contemporary use of the garden and revitalises blind spots that are currently unattractive or inaccessible to children.

The proposal foresees a complete cultivation of the garden with the addition of new rest, activity and sports zones. The first zone would be a flat area along the façade of the elementary school with a mix of uses and a combination of wooden terraces, paving and lawn. Along this zone it is envisaged to propose a tree plantation that will line the entire elementary school. Another zone is the green slope, which the pupils actively use for play. The slope will be supplemented with play elements and dividing greenery. The last zone is the sports area / active zone on the roof of the sports hall, where a flat comfort area with two playgrounds and play elements will be created.


The inspiration for the design of the rooftop terraces comes from a wooden pier running through tall reeds at the edge of a lake, where one is surrounded by greenery.

The primary purpose of the terraces will be tranquility, privacy, relaxation, and a break from the walls and ceilings of the building. That’s why the individual private “alcoves” are designed along a curved path amidst tall grass.

The alcoves vary in size to accommodate different functions as needed, from private relaxation to outdoor group teaching. Dense greenery partially separates users from the hustle and bustle of the surrounding city, providing a moment of peace and also a pleasant view from the surrounding buildings.

Garden and rooftop terraces


Quality green environment, a wide range of physical activities and no blind spots without use, this is the design of the new garden of Duhovka Elementary School.

At present, the garden of Duhovka Elementary School is in a condition that deserves significant improvements. A number of obsolete play elements on the threshold of usability and safety, together with the poor condition and division of the individual play areas for children, have a less than ideal effect on the overall appearance of the garden and reflect on its use. Also, the infrastructure of the site (surfaces, drainage, etc.) is often original and in need of renovation.

The design of the new building of the Duhovka High School aptly encourages the revitalisation of the entire garden area and thus initiates the creation of a better area for active movement and natural development of children. The new design works with the contemporary use of the garden and revitalises blind spots that are currently unattractive or inaccessible to children.

The proposal foresees a complete cultivation of the garden with the addition of new rest, activity and sports zones. The first zone would be a flat area along the façade of the elementary school with a mix of uses and a combination of wooden terraces, paving and lawn. Along this zone it is envisaged to propose a tree plantation that will line the entire elementary school. Another zone is the green slope, which the pupils actively use for play. The slope will be supplemented with play elements and dividing greenery. The last zone is the sports area / active zone on the roof of the sports hall, where a flat comfort area with two playgrounds and play elements will be created.


The inspiration for the design of the rooftop terraces comes from a wooden pier running through tall reeds at the edge of a lake, where one is surrounded by greenery.

The primary purpose of the terraces will be tranquility, privacy, relaxation, and a break from the walls and ceilings of the building. That’s why the individual private “alcoves” are designed along a curved path amidst tall grass.

The alcoves vary in size to accommodate different functions as needed, from private relaxation to outdoor group teaching. Dense greenery partially separates users from the hustle and bustle of the surrounding city, providing a moment of peace and also a pleasant view from the surrounding buildings.

Project Assets

96 new places every year for students in the eight and four-year high schools

In total, Duhovka will offer 575 study places for secondary education. This will, among other things, expand secondary education capacity, especially within Prague 6.

We will improve the playground for the Pod Marjánkou Elementary School Club.

As part of the building extension, we will renovate and substantially improve the entire playground area and provide additional play elements and a sandpit.

We will illuminate the sports playground of Pod Marjánkou Elementary School

We will equip the football pitch and the running oval at Pod Marjánkou Elementary School with new evening lighting so that people can make the most of the sports areas. New higher fencing will keep balls safely on the field during even the most heated games.

Parking for school staff and visitors

Considering that parking options in the Břevnov area are completely exhausted, and not just for residents, we don't want to take up any more on-street spaces so we will build sufficient parking for school staff and visitors on the site and in underground garages. We will use the current entrance to Duhovka Elementary School for parking.

Even More Contributions to the Surroundings ...

Public space Jílkova Street

The revitalisation of Jílkova Street will transform the present pedestrian passage and dog walking area into a new public space of high quality, with state-of-the-art climate change mitigation technologies, greenery and a place to meet, relax and stay.

The design of the new concept of the Jílkova Street area will lead to a qualitative transformation of the area. An extended residential function will be added to the pass-through function. The ecological and aesthetic value will also increase. New trees will be planted, using elements of mature vegetation appropriate to the street profile. The size of the planting provides an immediate ecological function. A comprehensive blue-green infrastructure system will provide the conditions for the successful development of trees and other vegetation. The area will gain a new and high quality space offering a residential function while contributing to the mitigation of climate change in the city.

More Sport for Břevnov

A multi-purpose hall with two interconnectable gyms, quality equipment and direct public access will offer a great sports facility for the leisure activities of the local community – our neighbors from Prague 6.


Traffic safety study of children attending all schools in the vicinity of the Duhovka High School construction